Scripture is Sufficient

Dear church family,

I hope you are enjoying our current sermon series on The Values that drive NHCC. Last Sundays sermon on the authority and the sufficiency of Scripture was one that can bring up a lot of questions. We live in an age where these two ideas are under fire by the world, and the temptation for the church is to buckle under such pressure. As Christians we want to be confident in the power of God's Word to bring real lasting change (hope and help) to EVERY situation in life.

As a church North Hills is committed to this and it is the cornerstone to our Biblical Counseling ministry and why we are so excited about formalizing it.

All that being said, if you have questions, or would like clarity in any of these things, please come and ask. Whether there is anything pertaining to the sermon or to the general doctrines of the Authority or Sufficiency of Scripture please let us know.

So Christ is exalted and lives are transformed...
Nic Wassell
Pastor, North Hills Christian Church
(707) 449-8977